A motorist has lodged a complaint against 'over-zealous' community speed watch volunteers.

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BNPS.co.uk (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: MaxWillcock/BNPS<br />
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Pictured: A 40mph speed limit sign in Longburton, Dorset.<br />
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A motorist has lodged a complaint against 'over-zealous and aggressive' community speed watch volunteers he claims leant into his car and shouted at him.<br />
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Phil Dewhurst said he was respecting the 30mph limit through a rural village when he passed three pensioners who were wearing hi-vis<br />
jackets and holding a speed gun and a clipboard.<br />
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He said one of them then 'bellowed' out his registration number and then 'you are doing 39mph, slow down'.<br />
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Mr Dewhurst, 40, stopped and reversed to where the two men and woman were standing to protest his innocence.