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BN_DrenchedOwlChicks_12.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: RobertFuller/BNPS<br />
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Someone throw them a towel!<br />
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One of the fluffy chicks before the downpour.<br />
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These tiddly tawny owl chicks took a soaking when they were caught out in one of the torrential downpours drenching Britain.<br />
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The four usually-fluffy chicks ended up sodden and bedraggled and in need of rescue after boldly attempting to fly the nest during a rainstorm.<br />
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The 10-inch chicks ended up on the ground and, with their downy feathers soaked with water, were unable to climb back up the tree to their perch.<br />
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They were rescued by wildlife photographer Robert Fuller, who scooped them up and put them in a box to dry out before returning them to their nest.<br />
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Robert set up a nesting box for the owls in a tree near his house in Thixendale, North Yorks - and since the chicks have hatched he has rescued them twice.