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Pic: AlistarKemp/BNPS<br />
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The bottlenose dolphin is well known for being a friendly creature, but this is the moment an entire pod showed another side to their playful nature.<br />
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The clever animals had been laying in wait for the annual 'Salmon Run', where they could be guaranteed a tasty snack as hundreds of fish made the upstream struggle.<br />
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As schools swam from the sea back to freshwater to spawn, a group of dolphins showed off their predatory skills and began to hunt them.<br />
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They performed incredible acrobatic skills as they shot into the air and sometimes two or three would attempt to go after the same fish.<br />
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The pod of 20 dolphins were spotted hunting their supper at Chononry Point near Fortose on the Moray Firth in Scotland.<br />
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There is believed to be around 300 bottlenose dolphins - Tursiops truncatus in Latin - in the area, which is the most northern colony in the world.<br />
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Amateur photographer Alister Kemp, 47, was watching from the shore and managed to captured a series of stunning shots.