BN_CarInWaterAtSandbanks_02.jpg (01202 558833)
Pic: TomGuest/BNPS
***Please Use Full Byline***
Images taken from the Sandbanks ferry of the car in the water.
An elderly woman has today been rescued from her sunken car after she 'deliberately' drove into a harbour in front of stunned
The motorist, aged in her 70s, wound down both windows of her Volkswagen Golf before speeding down a ferry slipway and into the water.
As the silver car was swept 100 yards out to sea by the fast tide the woman sat motionless in the flooded driver's seat, ignoring cries from witnesses on the quayside to get out.
A brave crew member of a passing fishing boat then dived into the water and pulled the woman free just moments before her vehicle completely sank.