
BNPS.co.uk (01202 558833)
Pic: Bellmans/BNPS
Line up of 2 SAS jeeps on the Autobahn outside Hanover in 1945.
A fascinating trove of SAS records including some of the first photographs of the elite force which have never been seen before has been unearthed.
The extensive assortment, also including medals and documents, was accumulated by war hero Lance Corporal William James Cooke at the end of World War Two.
Remarkable images of Cooke's previously unrevealed wartime exploits show him serving behind enemy lines in occupied France and assisting with the liberation of Norway.
His accomplishments have come to light after a family member presented the bequeathed collection to Hampshire-based auctioneer Bellmans, which will sell it tomorrow.
Pic: Bellmans/BNPS
Line up of 2 SAS jeeps on the Autobahn outside Hanover in 1945.
A fascinating trove of SAS records including some of the first photographs of the elite force which have never been seen before has been unearthed.
The extensive assortment, also including medals and documents, was accumulated by war hero Lance Corporal William James Cooke at the end of World War Two.
Remarkable images of Cooke's previously unrevealed wartime exploits show him serving behind enemy lines in occupied France and assisting with the liberation of Norway.
His accomplishments have come to light after a family member presented the bequeathed collection to Hampshire-based auctioneer Bellmans, which will sell it tomorrow.
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