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BNPS_KoalasArriveInUK_02.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: Longleat/BNPS<br />
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International Rescue - The specialy chartered jet arrives at Heathrow last night with it's cuddly VIP's...<br />
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One of Australia's most iconic but increasingly threatened species has received a boost as a group of koalas have arrived in Britain to start a new European breeding group.<br />
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The five southern koalas, four females and one male, are part of a ground-breaking initiative to start a new breeding programme for Europe, a sort of back-up population away from the threats the species face in their home country, such as bushfires and disease.<br />
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The cuddly marsupials made the epic journey from Adelaide in Australia to Longleat in Wiltshire, which will be the only place in Europe visitors can see the bigger of the country's two subspecies.<br />
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Longleat has created a special new enclosure for them, including developing a 4,000-tree eucalyptus plantation to keep the koalas well-fed.<br />
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Both the South Australian Government and Cleland Wildlife Park have very strict rules on allowing the animals out of the country.