
BNPS.co.uk (01202 558833)
Pic: AlmaHaser/BNPS
Flower power...Why wear a hat when you can wear a hedgerow.
A UK flower grower and florist has created stunning floral headpieces to encourage people to buy British.
Fiona Haser Bizony has created the fabulous colourful crowns to celebrate British Flowers Week, which starts tomorrow (Mon).
She grew, cut and designed the headwear herself to show people cut flowers don't just have to sit in a vase on their table.
Fiona, 55, is part of a grassroots movement spearheading a revival in British-grown cut flowers after imported flowers, mainly through Holland, pushed the homegrown blooms out of the market.
Pic: AlmaHaser/BNPS
Flower power...Why wear a hat when you can wear a hedgerow.
A UK flower grower and florist has created stunning floral headpieces to encourage people to buy British.
Fiona Haser Bizony has created the fabulous colourful crowns to celebrate British Flowers Week, which starts tomorrow (Mon).
She grew, cut and designed the headwear herself to show people cut flowers don't just have to sit in a vase on their table.
Fiona, 55, is part of a grassroots movement spearheading a revival in British-grown cut flowers after imported flowers, mainly through Holland, pushed the homegrown blooms out of the market.
©AlmaHaser 13 Oct 2015 2020x2456 / 509.3KB