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BNPS_PotterProof_06.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: Ewbank'sAuctioneers/BNPS<br />
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PICTURED: The dust jacket proof for the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Also included in the sale is a proof edition of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets which comes with a proof design dust jacket. It is not known how many proof copies were made for the second book in the series but it is thought to be around 400.<br />
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A rare uncorrected proof copy of the first Harry Potter book which referred to its unknown creator as 'J.A. Rowling' is tipped to sell for £25,000.<br />
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Only 200 copies were made of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in 1997 when the author was unheard of.<br />
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The proof predates the first edition and was not sold or made available to the public.<br />
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They were sent to booksellers and reviewers to boost publicity just before the first editions started coming on sale.<br />
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It is said to be in very good condition, coming in its original white and yellow wrapping.