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Pic: PhilYeomans/BNPS<br />
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Dying breed? - These five adorable puppies could be amongst the last of their breed as shocking new figures reveal the Sussex Spaniel is now Britain's rarest breed of dog.<br />
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Only 34 puppies were registered last year, as modern owners prefer labradoodles, cockapoos and French bulldogs to Britain's traditional native hounds.<br />
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Now the Sussex Spaniel Association are appealing for the Duke & Duchess of Sussex to adopt a puppy and popularise the struggling breed before its to late.<br />
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Association secretary Sheila Applby said ‘We desperately need to raise the profile of the breed before it's too late, and hopefully the Sussex link will strike a chord with the Royal couple and they can lend their considerable support to help save this wonderful and charismatic breed of dog.'