BNPS_SussexSpanielsStruggle_019.jpg (01202 558833)
Pic: PhilYeomans/BNPS
Dying breed? - These five adorable puppies could be amongst the last of their breed as shocking new figures reveal the Sussex Spaniel is now Britain's rarest breed of dog.
Only 34 puppies were registered last year, as modern owners prefer labradoodles, cockapoos and French bulldogs to Britain's traditional native hounds.
Now the Sussex Spaniel Association are appealing for the Duke & Duchess of Sussex to adopt a puppy and popularise the struggling breed before its to late.
Association secretary Sheila Applby said ‘We desperately need to raise the profile of the breed before it's too late, and hopefully the Sussex link will strike a chord with the Royal couple and they can lend their considerable support to help save this wonderful and charismatic breed of dog.'