
BNPS.co.uk (01202 558833)
Pic: CobbFarr/BNPS
An 'iceberg' home which has a massive basement and extension hidden from street view has gone on the market for £2.85m.
From the front, Thatched House looks like a typical period cottage home.
But the view from the rear shows the huge, luxury extension that has been built under it into the sloping back garden.
Pic: CobbFarr/BNPS
An 'iceberg' home which has a massive basement and extension hidden from street view has gone on the market for £2.85m.
From the front, Thatched House looks like a typical period cottage home.
But the view from the rear shows the huge, luxury extension that has been built under it into the sloping back garden.
Cobb Farr 16 Aug 2023 4000x2670 / 8.1MB