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BNPS_AAMilnesWWIPropagandaBook_03.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: JArter/RSM/BNPS<br />
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A book of writings co-authored by AA Milne colourfully reflecting on his time spent as a First World War propagandist is being displayed for the first time ever. <br />
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'The Green Book' was written by the Winnie the Pooh author and fellow members of MI7b - a little-known intelligence branch of the War Office that produced propaganda. <br />
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When the war ended officials attempted to destroy all traces of the secret department but four years ago 150 documents were unearthed inside the attic of one of its members. <br />
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Now the ultra-rare copy, which is one of only two that exist, has been placed on display at the Royal Signals Museum in Blandford, Dorset.