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BNPS_OrphanCalfLivingAtHome_08.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: MaxWillcock/BNPS<br />
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Pictured: Silvio in the kitchen.<br />
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A confused orphaned calf who is being hand-reared by a farmer appears to think he is a dog.<br />
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Three-week old Silvio is sharing a kennel with Welsh border collie Taffy, has a GPS collar and likes going for walks with farmer Ben Bowerman and his family.<br />
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The Bowermans try to get Silvio to spend his days out in the field at the 450-acre Godlingston Manor Farm, near Swanage, Dorset, with the other cows.<br />
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But when they check on the calves in the evening, he always runs back with them to the house.