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BN_ArsonPorsche_01 (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: RichardCrease/BNPS<br />
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Crime novelist Andrew Towning fears life is imitating art after an arsonist torched his Porsche car in a copycat attack of one of his storylines.<br />
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The best-selling author believes the offender was inspired to set fire to his £18,000 Porsche Carrera after reading one of his Jake Dillon crime-thriller novels.<br />
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The blaze caused a small explosion and sent flames 10ft into the air.<br />
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In his 2010 book 'Shroud of Concealment', the lead character has his own Porsche 911 car blown up in the street after being targeted by a underworld crime gang.<br />
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Now Mr Towning fears he has been singled out by one of his readers following the attack at his home in Merley, near Wimborne, Dorset.