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BNPS_AncientOakForestRediscovered_04.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: PhilYeomans/BNPS<br />
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Vital statistics - Britain's oldest oak tree at over 900 years old and a mighty 33 feet in circumference is now part of Europe's oldest wood discovered in the heart of England.<br />
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The greatest collection of ancient oak trees anywhere in Europe has been found in Britain after research uncovered a forgotten Medieval deer park.   <br />
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At least 60 Middle Age oaks have been unearthed in a survey of the grounds of Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, with four of them measuring a whopping nine metres in diameter. <br />
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The gargantuan width dates them to the Medieval period, and it was previously thought that Moccas Park in Suffolk, Windsor Great Park in Berkshire and Savernake Forest, Wilts, had the largest collection of the ancient trees.  <br />
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The 18th Century estate and UNESCO World Heritage Site is famous as the ancestral home of Winston Churchill - but its significance to natural history was previously unknown.