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BN_BritainsOldestTriplets_07.jpg 558833)<br />
Pic: FinnWebster/BNPS<br />
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Nevile Jones and sisters Edna and Iris with parents Rueben and Marg on a trip to the seaside in the 1930's.<br />
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Britain's oldest set of triplets whose combined weight at birth was the same as a normal baby have celebrated their 85th birthday.<br />
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Neville Jones and sisters Edna Doodson and Iris Hopkin were born just 20 minutes apart in June 1929.<br />
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Twins had run in the family and their mother Margaret had been expecting two babies before youngest sibling Iris arrived to make it a hat-trick.<br />
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She weighed just 2lbs and was given little chance of survival but pulled through. Edna weighed 3lbs and Neville a healthier 4lbs.