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Pic: Cushzilla/BNPS<br />
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Tarten outfit.<br />
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A barking-mad designer has launched a range of wigs that turn pets into pop princesses including Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and even Dolly Parton.<br />
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Dogs and cats can also be dressed up as dragons, pilots, wizards or Prince Charming thanks to Leah Workman's wacky creations.<br />
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The 40-year-old from Los Angeles spotted the trend of dressing up pets while studying in Japan - and later teamed up with husband Hiroshi Hibino to launch company Cushzilla.<br />
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The pair instantly set tails wagging around the internet with their bonkers brand of pet fashion, which also features Sharon Osbourne and Sid Vicious wigs and cow and tiger costumes.<br />
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Leah imports the high quality handmade wigs while costumes come from famous Japanese pet clothing designer Takako Iwasa.<br />
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She says the most popular wig is the Lady Gaga, while the pilot's outfit tops the popularity charts in the costume department.<br />
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Her own cats Jitters and Justus model many of the products on the company's website.