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Pic: BlenheimPalace/BNPS
'Englands Finest View' under threat...
A £12 million pound plan has been launched to save 'Englands finest view' after a report revealed the lake at Blenheim is so badly silted that it could disappear completely.
Blenheim Palace is embarking on a huge restoration of its lakes which will see a fleet of diggers dredge 400,000 tonnes of silt - enough to fill Wembley Stadium to its roof.
The radical work is urgently needed as the two lakes have become so shallow - just 12 inches in many places - that they are at risk of drying out completely.
If that happened the stability of the iconic 307-year-old Vanbrugh Bridge would be threatened and with it the landscape created 240-years-ago by legendary gardener Capability Brown.
Blenheim in Oxfordshire is the birthplace of Winston Churchill and the vista was described as 'the finest view in England' by his father.
Pic: BlenheimPalace/BNPS
'Englands Finest View' under threat...
A £12 million pound plan has been launched to save 'Englands finest view' after a report revealed the lake at Blenheim is so badly silted that it could disappear completely.
Blenheim Palace is embarking on a huge restoration of its lakes which will see a fleet of diggers dredge 400,000 tonnes of silt - enough to fill Wembley Stadium to its roof.
The radical work is urgently needed as the two lakes have become so shallow - just 12 inches in many places - that they are at risk of drying out completely.
If that happened the stability of the iconic 307-year-old Vanbrugh Bridge would be threatened and with it the landscape created 240-years-ago by legendary gardener Capability Brown.
Blenheim in Oxfordshire is the birthplace of Winston Churchill and the vista was described as 'the finest view in England' by his father.
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