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BNPS_UnseenEarlySAS_33.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: Bellmans/BNPS<br />
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Near Hanover in 1945.<br />
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A fascinating trove of SAS records including some of the first photographs of the elite force which have never been seen before has been unearthed. <br />
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The extensive assortment, also including medals and documents, was accumulated by war hero Lance Corporal William James Cooke at the end of World War Two. <br />
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Remarkable images of Cooke's previously unrevealed wartime exploits show him serving behind enemy lines in occupied France and assisting with the liberation of Norway. <br />
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His accomplishments have come to light after a family member presented the bequeathed collection to Hampshire-based auctioneer Bellmans, which will sell it tomorrow.