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Pic: PhilYeomans/BNPS<br />
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Jacqui with some of her stunning work's.<br />
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It's a Revelation -  New exhibition in Salisbury Cathedral features some stunning tapestries made by a determined artist from old bedsheets bought from a charity shop.<br />
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Textile artist Jacqui Parkinson has taken three years and 12 million stitches to create the 14 huge embroideries that stretch to over 100ft when placed end to end. <br />
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Jacqui, who only took up needlework a few years ago, embarked on the epic Bible artwork in 2013 and has now completed the fabric panels after three years and three months.<br />
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Her work, Threads Through Revelation, is on display at Salisbury Cathedral, Wilts, from today (Wed) until November.