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BNPS.CO.UK (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: PhilYeomans/BNPS<br />
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Stunning year for British cherries...Honor Davis helps out her mother Hayley.<br />
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As easy as picking cherries…<br />
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An outdoor cherry farm is celebrating a bumper crop in this year's heatwave - making up for the previous year when the delicate fruit was wiped out by bad weather.<br />
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Businesswomen Hayley Davis and Laurie Griffin harvest six different varieties from 5,000 trees on farmer John Hawkins farm in Dorset, and the hot summer has provided perfect conditions to ripen a record harvest.<br />
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Falconer Mike Coleman has even been brought in to provide aerial protection to the tasty crop as the delicious berries are as popular with birds as with the Great British public.