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Picture: PetPaint/BNPS<br />
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Barking mad businessman Abe Geary has unveiled what could be the world's most preposterous pet product - spray-on body paint for dogs.<br />
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Abe says PetPaint can transform pampered pooches into wild animals like tigers and zebras, peace-loving hippies and even hell-raising rockers.<br />
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He dreamed up the daft idea after struggling to find a pet-safe paint with which to daub 'will you marry me' on his own dog to propose to his fiance Anna.<br />
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Abe then spent two years conducting research before launching PetPaint, the world's first pet-safe body paint.<br />
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The product which cam be washed off or left to wear off is completely harmless to dogs and has even been given the thumbs up by animal groups.<br />
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PetPaint comes in spray cans of eight colours, each costing £6, and there are four stencil kits to buy.