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Pic: BlackCountryMuseum/BNPS
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Graeme French and son Timothy came all the way from Australia to take a spin in his Grandfather’s 1925 ‘Bean 14’ car after the family discovered it refurbished and on display at the Black Country Living Museum.
Intrepid Graeme French has travelled 9,000 miles to drive his late grandfather's vintage car after finding it had been saved by a British museum.
Graeme, 77, recalled sitting in the the 1925 Bean 14 motor with grandfather Thomas Woodall as a young boy.
After Mr Woodall suffered from ill-health in the 1940s he put the red car in a garage he owned in Smethwick in Birmingham where it remained untouched for years.
It was only when the lease on the garage expired and his widow was reminded of the car that it finally left the family.