
BNPS.co.uk (01202 558833)
Pic: RRAuction/BNPS
A rare original Mickey Mouse sketch by Walt Disney during a visit to England 89 years ago has emerged for sale for £8,000 ($10,000).
The film pioneer visited England during a six week 'grand tour' of Europe with his brother Roy and their wives in 1935.
He was approached by an autograph hunter in Oxford and produced the drawing of his famous character with a fountain pen.
Underneath it he wrote 'Walt Disney, Oxford, Eng., June 16, 35."
Pic: RRAuction/BNPS
A rare original Mickey Mouse sketch by Walt Disney during a visit to England 89 years ago has emerged for sale for £8,000 ($10,000).
The film pioneer visited England during a six week 'grand tour' of Europe with his brother Roy and their wives in 1935.
He was approached by an autograph hunter in Oxford and produced the drawing of his famous character with a fountain pen.
Underneath it he wrote 'Walt Disney, Oxford, Eng., June 16, 35."
RR Auction 5 May 2024 2100x1400 / 696.2KB