
BNPS.co.uk (01202 558833)
Pic: C&TAuctioneers/BNPS
Pictured: One from the Tesco bargain bucket. A figure of bounty hunter Greedo that the lucky collector also bought for 49p sold for £1,450.
A canny collector who bought dozens of Star Wars toys for as little as 49p from a Tescos 'bargain bin' 40 years ago has sold them for almost £50,000.
The anonymous shopper scooped up as many of the discounted plastic toy figures as possible from a trip to the supermarket in the 1980s.
They have remained sealed in their cardboard cases since then and have shot up massively in value.
Pic: C&TAuctioneers/BNPS
Pictured: One from the Tesco bargain bucket. A figure of bounty hunter Greedo that the lucky collector also bought for 49p sold for £1,450.
A canny collector who bought dozens of Star Wars toys for as little as 49p from a Tescos 'bargain bin' 40 years ago has sold them for almost £50,000.
The anonymous shopper scooped up as many of the discounted plastic toy figures as possible from a trip to the supermarket in the 1980s.
They have remained sealed in their cardboard cases since then and have shot up massively in value.
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