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Pic: YaleUniversityPress/BNPS
Pictured: The cover of 'Mission France'.
The little-known story of a tragic SOE heroine who took out 30 German trains in one go is told in a new book.
Eliane Plewman was parachuted behind enemy lines into occupied France in August 1943.
During one daring operation in the New Year of 1944, the diminutive 5ft agent, together with her brother Albert Browne-Bartroli, evaded German patrols to lay explosives under a railway line. When they exploded, 30 locomotives were put out of service, hampering the enemy's attempts to move troops and supplies by rail.
Eliane's cover was blown when the network was infiltrated in early 1944 and she was captured by the Gestapo. She was imprisoned, tortured and executed aged 26.