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BNPS_TrainLineOnKnifeEdge_02.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: ZacharyCulpin/BNPS<br />
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Railway on a knife edge <br />
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Track Manager Barry Light (left) and trackman Billy Johnson carry out maintenance on the line<br />
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A campaign to save one of Britain's most popular heritage railways has hit the buffers, leaving the steam line at serious risk of closure.<br />
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Swanage Railway in Dorset has been rebuilt and run as a tourist attraction by an army of volunteers over the last 30 years.<br />
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However, it now stands on the brink of financial meltdown due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.<br />
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Those behind the steam line last month launched an SOS fundraising campaign to try and save the service, with a whopping £360,000 required.<br />
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However, the scheme has currently raised just £185,000 - leaving the future of the railway on a knife edge.