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BNPS_SchoolMissOutOnMedals_06.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: DixNoonanWebb/BNPS<br />
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Pictured: The medal.<br />
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A school has missed out in its bid to buy the medal of the first British soldier killed in World War One after it sold for a whooping £17,000.<br />
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Private John Parr, was shot dead by a German patrol near Mons in Belgium on August 21, 1914.<br />
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The 17-year-old had been deployed in a two-man team as a reconnaissance cyclist to scout out German positions.<br />
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The pair were spotted by the German First Army and a firefight ensued, with Pte Parr heroically sacrificing himself so his comrade could escape unscathed and report back to the British lines.