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Pic: PhilYeomans/BNPS<br />
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Owner Susan Thompson of Marine Restaurant in Milford On Sea, Hampshire<br />
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A huge clear-up operation was underway today along the south coast beaches after the Valentine's Night storm left a three millions pounds trail of destruction.<br />
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The hurricane-force winds that whipped up 30ft waves destroyed hundreds of wooden beach huts that sell for up to £40,000 each.<br />
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On Avon Beach at Christchurch, Dorset, the scene resembled the aftermath of a 'small Tsunami' with 70 sought-after chalets oblitered by the powerful waves.<br />
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The Army and scores of volunteers were today on scene helping to clear away tons of timber strewn across the beach and promenade.<br />
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Further along the coast at Milford-on-Sea, Hants, staff at the restaurant where 32 diners were rescued after it was smashed in by waves and shingle were facing a £200,000 repair bill.