
BNPS.co.uk (01202 558833)
Pic: ZacharyCulpin/BNPS
Pictured: The pups enjoying one of their first trips outside
Four adorable otter pups are melting hearts at a sea life centre after their bachelor father finally found love.
Asian short-clawed otter Badger spent 10 years on his own before being matched with Isa, who is from the same breed.
Sparks flew instantly and the staff at SEA LIFE Weymouth, Dorset, soon suspected four year old Isa might be pregnant.
She has now given birth to four pups and a special habitat has been created for them including an Asian themed garden.
The IUCN Red List classifies Asian small-clawed otters as vulnerable, with the destruction of habitats playing a major part in the reduction of numbers of this species in their native Asia.
Pic: ZacharyCulpin/BNPS
Pictured: The pups enjoying one of their first trips outside
Four adorable otter pups are melting hearts at a sea life centre after their bachelor father finally found love.
Asian short-clawed otter Badger spent 10 years on his own before being matched with Isa, who is from the same breed.
Sparks flew instantly and the staff at SEA LIFE Weymouth, Dorset, soon suspected four year old Isa might be pregnant.
She has now given birth to four pups and a special habitat has been created for them including an Asian themed garden.
The IUCN Red List classifies Asian small-clawed otters as vulnerable, with the destruction of habitats playing a major part in the reduction of numbers of this species in their native Asia.
ZacharyCulpin/BNPS 9 May 2024 4084x2690 / 3.9MB