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BNPS_NavySignalsArchive_04.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: Bishop&Miller/BNPS<br />
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Pictured: The 91st Highlanders in Malta 1912. <br />
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The fascinating archive of a World War One naval officer has been unearthed which includes historic signals marking the Armistice.<br />
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Captain Eric Hardy, of the 1st Batlle Cruiser Squadron, saw action during the Battle of Jutland in May 1916.<br />
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He was serving on HMS Ceres when news came through of Germany's surrender November 1918.<br />
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At 10.52am on November 11, a naval signal came through to the light cruiser which simply read: "Admiralty to All Ships, Armistice was signed at 6 A.M. today November 11."<br />
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Capt Hardy, fully aware of the signal's enormous significance, kept hold of it as a souvenir.