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Pic: ZacharyCulpin/BNPS
Clam Rock......
Fossil hunter Richard Edmonds has found a rare Jurassic-era giant clam which planted itself on the ocean floor some 200 million years ago.
After searching 10 years for one, Richard finally unearthed the large crustacian fully intact near the sea wall in Lyme Regis, Dorset.
The disc-shaped fossil weighed 44lbs and is 12ins long and 6ins wide.
The clam, called a pinna and often found in the Mediterranean, are thin, wedge-shaped molluscs that sit on the seabed, half anchored to rock sediments and open to filter food such as plankton through them.
The fossil was found in a fallen block that had been washed out of a rockfall and onto Monmouth Beach.