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BNPS_GorillaAtTheDentist_03.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: Longleat/BNPS<br />
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Tooth ape..330 pound gorilla faces the dreaded vist from the dentist.<br />
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Nobody enjoys a visit to the dentist and Alf the gorilla was no exception.<br />
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His keepers at Longleat Safari Park, Wilts, recently noticed some swelling to Alf's lower jaw and decided to get him looked at.<br />
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Luckily for the large ape he didn't know too much about it as he was anaesthetised throughout the check up, that involved a team of four vets and five keepers from the Wiltshire Safari park.<br />
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They took no chances in upsetting the critically endangered primate and put him under for the entire procedure.