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BNPS_WalterNobelPrize_02.jpeg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: NateDSanders/BNPS<br />
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Pictured: Walter Kohn received these after arriving in the UK <br />
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The Nobel Prize awarded to a physicist who was saved by Britain from the Nazis through the Kindertransport programme has been sold by his family for £340,000. ($457,000)<br />
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Walter Kohn, who came from a Jewish family, was 15 years old when his native Austria was annexed by Adolf Hitler in 1938.<br />
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He and his sister Minna escaped the country through the programme, which provided almost 10,000 children with safe passage to the UK, but their parents were killed during the Holocaust.<br />
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Kohn was subsequently transported to Canada where he studied before enrolling at Harvard University and embarking on an academic career.