
BNPS.co.uk (01202 558833)
Pic: ZacharyCulpin/BNPS
Pictured: Eggs in the nest will be hatching any day now
The first cygnets of the year have hatched at a famous swannery - ushering in the start of summer.
According to an ancient proverb, the arrival of the first baby swan at historic Abbotsbury Swannery in Dorset marks the first day of British summertime.
Pic: ZacharyCulpin/BNPS
Pictured: Eggs in the nest will be hatching any day now
The first cygnets of the year have hatched at a famous swannery - ushering in the start of summer.
According to an ancient proverb, the arrival of the first baby swan at historic Abbotsbury Swannery in Dorset marks the first day of British summertime.
ZacharyCulpin/BNPS 15 May 2024 4954x3256 / 4.4MB