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BN_HMSUnwise_011.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic:MichaelCunningham/BNPS<br />
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Help for Hapless Heroes...<br />
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Deflated...Capt Andy Ellis.<br />
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A well intentioned, if a little unwise, attempt by a crack army team of three to row a bouncy castle across the treacherous waters of the Solent yesterday in aid of Help for Heroes ended in a plucky but predictable failiure. <br />
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A cock-up over tide times that any member of the Senior service would find laughable saw the soaked squaddies soon being swept out to sea before being rescued by their support boat and towed back to shore.<br />
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The brave but unwise attempt by three Army officers was intended to raise funds for the Help for Heroes charity but as an onlooker said 'it might make sense to leave these sort of things to the Royal Navy'.