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Pic: ZacharyCulpin/BNPS<br />
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Denise applies the finishing touches to a costume in one of the many grand rooms in Uppark <br />
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Ori-garments -  Artist Denise Watson has created a stunning 1750's masquerade Christmas Ball with characters made entirely from paper at the National Trust's Uppark House in West Sussex.<br />
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Denise has dressed 14 shop mannequins with clothes, shoes, masks, fans, floral details, hair and even jewellery made from things like tissue paper, gift wrap and brown parcel paper. <br />
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The festive display was inspired by Admiral Lord Gambier’s memoirs in which he quotes from Lady Sarah Featherstonhaugh’s journal of 1753 where she wrote: " The whole party afterwards proceed to Uppark, where they passed a cheerful happy Christmas in the most friendly society, and enlivened their neighbourhood with some masked balls.”<br />
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The design to the finished result took a total of three months. Denise said, "I am really delighted with the final result. It has been a joy to work at Uppark using the grand rooms and to recreate an event which actually took place".