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BNPS_BattleOfBritainUniform_01.JPG (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: C&T/BNPS<br />
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The flying uniform of one of The Few has emerged for sale on the 80th anniversary of their heroic defence of these skies.<br />
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Flight Lieutenant Leslie Harvey, of 54 Squadron, flew both Spitfires and Hurricanes during the Battle of Britain.<br />
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On one occasion, he successfully intercepted a German Junkers Ju 88 during an aerodrome patrol.<br />
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Later in the war, his aircraft went into a spin and caught fire after being taken out by an Me 109 in a dogfight. He baled out at 1,000ft and survived the landing, earning a Caterpillar Club badge.<br />
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His pilot officer's service dress tunic has embroidered 'wings' and a gilded rosette signifying his involvement in the Battle of Britain. It is being sold with C & T Auctions, of Ashford, Kent