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Picture: Bake.A.Dish/BNPS<br />
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This wacky kitchen gadget banishes the arduous chore of washing up after meals - because it bakes edible plates and bowls.<br />
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The clever machine makes kitchenware out of bread using a top secret process means they can hold any kind of food including soups and other liquid-based meals.<br />
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And it can be controlled by a mobile phone app which calculates the size of the bowl or plate according to how many calories the user needs.<br />
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It can make bowls and plates of any size up to 16 inches in diameter which can be eaten at the end of a meal.<br />
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The gadget, called Bake.A.Dish, is the brainchild of industrial design student Saeed Rahiminejad, who is now looking for funding to help put it into production.<br />
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The Bake.A.Dish is a contender for the Electrolux Design Lab 2014 awards.