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BNPS_TakingTheBullByTheHorns_04.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: EssexCoinAuctions/BNPS<br />
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A metal detectorist who found a bronze figurine that was used in ritual human sacrifices 2,000 years ago is selling it for £10,000.<br />
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Paul Campbell was walking back to his mountain bike after a fruitless day of searching in a field when his device activated. <br />
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He dug down and unearthed the 2.5ins tall figure of a topless woman riding a bull, grasping it by the horns with one arm raised aloft.<br />
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Further research revealed the statuette of the female warrior would have been placed on top of a container that would have been used by pagan people in Britain during the Iron Age.