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Pic: GraemeHunt/BNPS
Stunning transformation...
£91,000 'box of bits' has been transformed into a beautiful and rare Vincent Black Prince - the last model from the famous marque.
A classic motorbike has been painstakingly restored after being bought as a 'box of bits' from Bonhams in 2014 - and is now on sale for £140,000.
The rare 1955 Vincent Black Prince bike was last ridden in 1967 when it was taken off road and dismantled for a major restoration project.
But the work never happened and the jigsaw bike was sold in 2014 for a whopping £91,000.
Since then the canny owner has spent five years and thousands of pounds putting the Vincent back together again.
London based prestige dealer Graeme Hunt is now selling the very rare machine that was one of the first motorbikes to employ streamlining over its mighty V twin 1000 cc engine.
Pic: GraemeHunt/BNPS
Stunning transformation...
£91,000 'box of bits' has been transformed into a beautiful and rare Vincent Black Prince - the last model from the famous marque.
A classic motorbike has been painstakingly restored after being bought as a 'box of bits' from Bonhams in 2014 - and is now on sale for £140,000.
The rare 1955 Vincent Black Prince bike was last ridden in 1967 when it was taken off road and dismantled for a major restoration project.
But the work never happened and the jigsaw bike was sold in 2014 for a whopping £91,000.
Since then the canny owner has spent five years and thousands of pounds putting the Vincent back together again.
London based prestige dealer Graeme Hunt is now selling the very rare machine that was one of the first motorbikes to employ streamlining over its mighty V twin 1000 cc engine.
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