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BNPS_NuclearTests_10.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic:   BasingstokeGazette/BNPS<br />
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Veteran Stan Bowyer with the Legion d'Honneur medal in 2015.<br />
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A British scientist's incredibly rare photos of the controversial nuclear tests of the Cold War have come to light following his recent death.<br />
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Stan Bowyer, a D-Day veteran who went on to work at the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston, took his own snaps during the testing in the Indian Ocean in the late 1950s.<br />
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His black and white pictures include one taken at ground level of a huge explosion from a thermonuclear blast in the distance.<br />
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They also contain images of revered scientists Julius Openhaimer, the American physicist who helped create the world's first atomic bomb, and British scientist William Penny.