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Pic: RobertFuller/BNPS
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Four baby Swallows await their mother open-mouthed for their dinner.
Four hungry Swallow chicks wait open-mouthed for their parents to bring the next meal back to their nest - made in an old storm lantern.
The mum and dad Swallows set up home in the rusty old lamp last month and shortly after four chirping chicks were hatched.
But the young family faced a race against time - because the chicks needed to be big and strong enough to join the rest of the Swallows which will fly south to warmer climes when the British autumn arrives.
Thanks to a spell of fine weather - and an abundant supply of insects and grubs to eat - the chicks have flown the nest just in time to join their brood.
Their unusual nest was caught on camera by Robert Fuller, a wildlife photographer and artist, who returned to his home in Thixendale, North Yorks, from his summer holiday to find the nesting birds.