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BNPS_BritishPrisonersOfWar_12.jpg (01202 558833)
Pic:CandTAuctions/BNPS<br />
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The skeletal frame of a British prisoner of war<br />
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Shocking photographs showing the skeletal state of British PoWs in Japan after they were liberated at the end of the Second World War have been unearthed.<br />
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Hundreds of emaciated servicemen who had been starved and brutally beaten by their captors were found by Allied troops following the fall of Japan in 1945.<br />
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Photographers were brought in to take pictures of the PoWs to be used as evidence for any potential war crimes trial.<br />
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The images show gaunt and haggard men whose bodies have been reduced to skin and bone.<br />
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There are also images of showing some of the most sadistic Japanese guards including the notorious camp commandment Lieutenant Usuki, who was known as the Black Prince.