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BNPS_ThoseMagnificentMen_013.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: C&TAuctions/BNPS<br />
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DH 9 crash near the Walnut Tree pub in Ditton, Kent -  the matter of fact account reports the aircraft was 'obliged to descend' and the only injury was a broken nose.<br />
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A fascinating photo album which documents the adventures of a captain in the fledgling Royal Naval Air Service has been unearthed after 100 years.<br />
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The photos were compiled by Captain Denis Carey who was based in Maidstone, Kent, and they provide a fascinating insight into the air arm of the Royal Navy during the First World War.<br />
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They show the thrills and spills of the pioneering early days of aviation in a world before health and safety had been invented.