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BN_ShirleyTempleDollsAndCostumes_16.jpg (01202 558833)<br />
Pic: Theriaults/BNPS<br />
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Royal satin gown and extended faux ermine robe worn by Shirley Temple from the 1939 film ' The Little Princess'.<br />
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The costumes worn by childhood movie star Shirley Temple during her Hollywood career make up a long-lost £1.5m collection belonging to the late actress.<br />
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The curly-haired performer's parents made it a condition that she got to keep all of her outfits after filming rather than return them to the movie studios.<br />
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The child costumes, that include the iconic red and white polka-dot dress the then six year old wore in her breakthrough role in the 1934 flick 'Stand Up and Cheer', have been locked away in a vault at her home for 75 years. They are being sold in Maryland, US.