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Pic: MarkHemsworth/BNPS
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In for the kill...
Joust-cam - Photographer captures the thrill of the ancient sport of jousting using a gopro camera.
An incredible set of photos taken from the point of view of knights as they joust on horseback provides a unique insight into how terrifying and brutal the Medieval sport actually was.
The gallery show two demonstrators dressed up in replica armour, including chain mail and helmets, and wielding enormous swords.
They then charge towards each other waving their weapons and lances madly in the air in the hope of hitting their opponent and scoring a point.
The photographs were taken by Mark Hemsworth, 46, a photographer who was watching the fascinating tournament at Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, Oxfordshire.
He did it by attaching a Go Pro camera to one of the knights, and set it to take a picture every second.